Friday the 13th & Roomba!

I thought it was me at first.  I go into a room and suddenly Roomba would be at my feet like an annoying cat brushing against my ankles.  I then move into another area of the house and sure enough she would show up again, bouncing against my heels as if that were the only spot in 1500 square feet that had not been addressed in her cleaning routine yet.  I gently, okay maybe not so gently, kick her away and usually carry on about my business.

My fascination with my robot at times preoccupies me and now this obsession has been past to new generations, pushing Roomba’s buttons and making her spin is great entertainment. My granddaughter and nephew look for every opportunity to power her up.  So when visitors happen by, Roomba is usually buzzing about, and lets just say, she is much more than white noise.  She is headache worthy.

And now discovery has led me to this, she does not just pester me but my guests.  It is as though La’Robot is on the prowl and hunting, wherever you might roam throughout my house her course suddenly changes, and she begins to stalk her prey. I thought her heat seeking skills where only in my imagination, but when others are in the zone she accidentally bumps into them, repeatedly.  (Note to prospecting visitors-shoes are a necessity.)

As bothersome a pet as any other.  A glutton for attention this disc is, I am well pleased she does not speak, stands more than 3 inches off the ground or can wield any sharp object for that matter.  Jason, meet Roomba…Roomba, Jason.

My money is on the robot.  Have a blessed day, send sunshine and remember a number is just a number, a day is just a day and a vacuum is just a vacuum.  Be <3!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. My Room a is
    My friend. It needs
    Attention though…it keeps telling me to clean the
    brushless and they’re clean!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe they may be slightly possessed! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ljaylj says:

    😀 We call ours Robi. It tracks me down wherever I am in the house but does not bother my wife, her mother or the dogs. It is quite frustrating. My wife says that the robot knows more than I think it does. What’s that supposed to mean?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. busy lady says:

    What an interesting blog! Sometimes machines can see human! I enjoyed reading it.

    I have invited you to participate in the “Love in Ten Sentences” poetry challenge. Thought you might enjoy joining us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lovely, thank you!


  4. I am convinced that my cell phone is becoming sentient. We’re getting closer to thinking and feeling A I every day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sneaky electronics!

      Liked by 1 person

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