Spread The Love Challenge

I was tagged by Meg Evans to write a post for the Spread the Love Challenge, which began Valentine’s Day. The rules are thus: Write 10 four-word sentences about love, share your favorite quote or poem filled with love, and then nominate 10 more bloggers to spread more love.

“Life is Love”  #sendsunshine @sunshinesent

Love is heat, passion…A biting chill of electric inspiration

Love equals true acceptance…Deeper than appearances, stronger than false conviction

Love cannot be helped…A sensation bigger than our own

Love is joy, laughter…The true spirit of existence

Love is you and me…Without one another, we are naught

Love is our light…Yearning, void of shadows

Love is the promise…A wistful fantasy come to life

Love is a place…The golden hearth of safety

Love can withstand sadness…A spiritual journey for strength

Love is a moment…The breath of destiny


L aughter, light, longing

O ptimistic and overwhelming

V eritable, Viable

E mpathetic and empowering energy entrancing everyone.

My Favorite Quote…

Jessica Edouard@sunshinesent…. Feb 2

#sendsunshine “For what I did know was that he loved me. His light a place I rest.”

The 10 Blog Lovers…I love to love

  1.  Espirational
  2.  Scribbles from the Heart
  3.  Miss Sunshine
  4.  Wade Lancaster
  5.  Kindness Blog
  6.  From Diapers to Tutus
  7.  Deanne’s World
  8.  Fill Your Own Glass
  9.  A Momma’s View
  10. Rebirth of Lisa

In this life there is a transcendence of greatness that is filled with the grandeur of pure light awaiting our acceptance of its existence to unite what is, us.  Believe, love can heal.  Send Sunshine.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. amommasview says:

    Thanks! I will get to it a little later 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mincs1 says:

    Thank-you for the tag in the Spread the Love Challenge. This is new to me so you have definitely taken me outside my comfort zone. I rose to the challenge via my post today. Cheers! Mary 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is lovely, thank you for including me! I will check it out! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! ❤ and light!


    1. Thank you Niall! 🙂


  4. Meg Evans says:

    Great challenge response — very creative, adding comments in italics! I especially liked the golden hearth of safety; such a warm and comforting place to imagine. 🙂 Glad you had fun with it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loveeeee this! ❤

    Thank you so much for bringing sunshine & love into all of our days! With people like you, the world becomes a nicer place & I'm so happy to be one of the people receiving your light!

    Sunshine sent from one to another! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

I look forward to hearing from you!